The new IED Campus - ex slaughterhouse, Milan
The new IED campus is part of the urban regeneration project called "ARIA", which won the Reinventing Cities Competition promoted by Comune di Milano.
The construction is aimed at the recovery of two reinforced concrete existing buildings dubbed “Buildings 12 and 20” and at the erection of a new one with a composite steel concrete structure dubbed “Iconic Building”.
The three buildings will become the seat of an university and house class rooms, laboratories, administration offices, a library and common areas for the students.
Buildings 12 and 20 were erected as twin structures since 1924 to 1931 and feature a single story with a reinforced concrete frame structure extended over a rectangular 106m by 80m plan.
The transverse section is composed of two symmetric frames with double spans and with the different elevations of 5m and 9m.
The main frames feature twin beams and rectangular columns located on the typical grid lines of 17.46m by 17.46m and on few ones with the center line limited to 8.8m.
The roof is built with a two way rib composite brick-concrete structure laid on 5.92m by 5.92m square bays.
The relevant supports are constituted by secondary reinforced concrete trusses or Vierendeel type beams.
The works will include the seismic strengthening of the existing structures, the erection of a new underground floor, the reconstruction of the roof and new independent mezzanines and steel works.
Underpiling of the existing column footings will be effected for the construction of the underground floor that is supported by micro-piles with the relevant connecting elements and is covered by a solid reinforced concrete plate 0.40m deep;
The Iconic Building features a composite steel-concrete structure extended for 5 storeys over the ground.
The floors are constructed with steel girders and corrugated steel sheets topped by a reinforced concrete cast.
Web holes at midspan of the girders allow for duct laying; the steel columns are hinge connected at the ends and support the vertical loads only because the resistance of the horizontal actions is given by the reinforced concrete stair cores.
The plan is regular and fits inside a rectangle with 13m by 142m dimensions while in elevation the structure is not regular because the rectangular floors are tapered from the roof towards the ground.
A peculiar characteristic of the structure is given by two wide sized overhangings located on the East and West sides at levels 3 and 4 and that are supported by multistory steel trusses; the western overhanging reaches a 26m free span at the roof.
The underground floor has an area reduced in comparison to the ground level one and it is extended only close to the reinforced concrete cores located at the building ends.
The column foundations are supported by piles and are constituted by footings in the central zone of the building where the underground floor does not exist and by a raft in the other positions.
© CZA Cino Zucchi Architetti