Pedestrian Bridge over the Brembo river in San Pellegrino (Bergamo)
Competition design which includes the studies for rearranging the vehicle and the pedestrian flow patterns in the vicinity area.
The insertion of the bridge into a valuable architectural and land environment marked by important Liberty style buildings and mountain background, was set at the base of the design.
The structure is constituted by a single composite steel-concrete girder, spanning 66.90 m without any obstruction into the riverbed; elastic restraints are introduced at the abutments of the tapered beam.
The deck is composed of precast concrete slabs which include a natural stone pavement.
In the central part of the span the transverse section features a trussed triangle which blends into a trapezoidal box close to the abutments; the depth varies from a maximum of 1.45 m at midspan to a minimum of 0.92 m at the abutments, resulting from the different radii of curvature used for the extrados and the intrados which are defined by two parabolas.
The platform width varies from 5.20 m at the conjunction with the bank walls to 3.60 m at midspan in order to give the river crossing a more harmonious pattern and to avoid the “corridor” effect.