The new Sunstar Headquarters are built in Etoy, in the Vaud region (CH). It features four above grade floors and one below grade. A central courtyard is covered by a glazed roof. The whole building follows advanced energy saving and environmental control concepts, from active slabs to natural ventilation systems.
The area is approximately 850 m North of Geneva Lake, visible from the motorway.
Position, dimensions and use of materials have the goal of a reduced environmental impact and a perfectly balanced relationship between internal and exterior space.
The main strucutural system is based on concrete slabs with a maximum thickness of 28 cm, on a structural grid of 5.5 x 6.5 m. Columns are prefabricated spun high performance concrete elements with maximum diameter 30 cm.
Horizontal stability is offered by reinforced concrete shear walls around stair shafts. A monumental staircase in the central courtyard is made of cast in place ramps and prefabricated structural parapets.
The central courtyard is covered by a glass and steel roof, with a special treatment to optimize shading and natural lighting.
The energy conspet of the building includes natural ventilation, thermal mass, active slabs and optimization of natural lighting.