MILANOFIORI 2000 – Business Center – Compounds B E C1, Milano
The Business Center is the first part of the development project “Milanofiori 2000”. It is composed of a wide platform which houses a two story parking and an elevated plaza set at the exit level of the subway that is 6 m over the ground.
In the pedestrian plaza there are shops, restaurants and various service facilities; three 9 story office buildings are erected above the plaza level; the total area of the decks is 70000 m2 while an additional parking surface of 19500 m2 is built at ground level.
The platform structures comply with the skew axes of the elevated buildings and with the orthogonal grid lines of the underneath and is composed of solid reinforced concrete slabs continuous over the columns.
The typical grid lines of the buildings, which feature not regular side over hangings and random wide openings, are set at 9 by 6 m and laid in parellelogram directions with the minor corner at 73°; the slab thickness is 30 cm.
The parking grid lines are set at 8,1 by 8,1 m, the slab thickness is 28 cm for the first floor and 36 cm for the plaza.
The columns feature the minimum possible dimension and are constituted by composed steel concrete sections in the lower levels of the buildings. Steel structures are used for the plaza commercial facilities with “free shapes”, while composite bridges connects the two parts of the plaza