Concorso "GIOIA 20", Milano
The building is extended on four underground levels and on forty floors in elevation and is surrounded by a construction for commercial use with an independent structure with the same depth and a single floor in elevation.
A peculiar feature of the structure is constituted by the column axes which are aligned with the inclined facades and therefore create horizontal actions in the floors.
In general the abovesaid actions are self equilibrated between the opposite sides of the high rise building while the columns located at the vertexes create not aligned actions which yield a torsion in the core.
Additional in plane actions arise in the positions where the column alignment changes from inclined to vertical.
Because of these reasons the core features a tubular shape which is the most suitable for resisting the torque.
A stress concentration due to the warping arises in the connecting beams over the wall openings but the relevant values comply with the specified tension level.
A solid concrete plate is used for the floors and features a 26cm depth in the elevated levels while in the lower ones, which are for public use, the depth is increased to 35 cm.
This solution has the in plane stiffness which is necessary for the transfer to the core of the horizontal actions and allows for the fast construction of decks without protruding beams and the easy erection of the mechanical ducts and devices.
The partial built in plate support to core is effected using flush enbedded rebar engineered connections, thus allowing for the in advance erection of the core walls.
A foundation raft with settlement reducing piles was selected with the aim of reducing to a minimum the interactions with the surrounding exhisting constructions