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Redesco Structural Engineering
Campus Pictet de Rochemont, Geneve

Campus Pictet de Rochemont, Geneve

Services provided Structural design for the Competition stage. After the Competition, in Joint Venture with AB Ingénieurs SA, Redesco has developled the structural design for the T (Tower) and J (offices and auditorium) buildings for the SIA stages 31 (preliminary ), 32 (design development) and 41 (design for tender)
Client Banque Pictet et Cie - Geneva
Architect Inès Lamunière, dl-a DESIGNLAB ARCHITECTURE – Ginevra
Contruction year 2022
Structure value 25.000.000 CHF ≈ 22.800.000 € - Structures for Buildings Tour and Jura

Winning project of an international Architecture competition created by Inès Lamunière (dl-a) with Redesco responsible of Structural Engineering as part of the Team.

The lot will consist of a block of four buildings, including a 90-meter high tower. The project includes 54,000 m² of administrative space (approximately 2.000 work places), including 5 underground levels and 10,000 m² of residential space (100 apartments), including 4 five underground levels.

The project is being developed in Joint Venture with AB Ingénieurs SA form Geneva, and is  located along the Route des Acacias in Geneva.

The structure, mainly in reinforced concrete, includes the construction of 4 underground interconnected levels, from which the four different buildings stand out (T, J, S and L).

The complexity of the project results in satisfying the high standards and spatial requirements of the architectural design with minimal impacts of the structures. This objective is pursued by resorting, where necessary, to particularly performing materials (high resistance prefabricated spun columns, steel elements, specific detailing).

Further complexity derives from the presence of a large space for the Aauditorium at the first basement level of building J. This configuration requires large transfer structures of 20m span which convey the load of the core and some columns of building J to the perimeter vertical structures  of the auditorium hall.

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