Transformation of Montello barracks into the new headquarters of the State Police located in Milan.
The whole compound was built around 1920 and is composed of three headquarters multi story small buildings located along Caracciolo street and of a number of single story buildings for workshop and store use.
The existing buildings will be adapted for several uses related to the functions of the new State Police while in the new ones will be located the offices open to the public and the residences for the policemens.
The main buildings with load carrying solid brick walls and floors supported by steel rolled sections set at 1.00m center lines with infilling materials are subjected to a seismic behavior improvement of the and to a static upgrading.
The strenghtening design is based on the construction of composite steel-concrete decks using the existing metallic sections; with this solution the improving of the horizontal structures resistance and stiffness is achieved and the continuous connection with the transverse walls is effected.
The wall diafragms subjected to seismic demand higher than the available resistance are strengthened by a CRM system while, being in general the foundations not overstressed, local underpinnings only are necessary.
The roof of these buildings is partially reconstructed over the main existing wood structures.
The single story buildings feature a perimetral brick load bearing wall with, in the major part of the cases, masonry transverse diaphragms.
Because of the conspicuous internal height, the large internal space is fit with new super elevated steel decks bearing on the transverse diaphragms and a new steel roof is erected.
The compound is completed by two new small reinforced concrete buildìings with 5 storys above ground and a basement; the floor structure is constituted by a 0.32m deep 9.50m by 7.50m slab with internal light material panes.
In the central part of the plot two levels underground parkings and special rooms feature a precast structure and are covered by the parade ground.
Minor steel buildings bearing on a wide span grid composed of prestressed beams are erected over a part of the parking.