New multi-storey car park for Centro Diagnostico Italiano clinic, Via Saint Bon, Milan
The structure is extended over three levels above ground, the first two levels (P1, P2) are used for parking while the roof (P3) is a green space open to the public, designed for super imposed loads compatible with a future conversion to a parking lot.
The foundation system is composed of reverse beams located along the alignments of the steel frames and are interconnected and connected by secondary beams to form a closed grid.
The structure in elevation consists of one-way metal frames mutually connected by the reinforced concrete deck; along the perimeter the frames are connected by deep steel beams with a static function and for containment of the greenery pots.
The decks are composed of concrete cast over deep corrugated sheets used as disposable formwork.
The structural section of the ribs features a "T" shape with an upper flange 78 cm wide and 10 cm thick, a trapezoid shaped web with a with a lower base about 9 cm wide and an upper one 20 cm wide; the minimum concrete section total depth is 31 cm.
The deck has the same thickness of the supporting beams and the type of the whole steel-concrete structure is slim-deck.
The horizontal restraints of the steel structure are constituted by the reinforced concrete staircases and elevators; the transmission of horizontal actions to the cores is guaranteed by the stiff concrete floor diaphragm.
The walls of the staircases and elevators are cast in place reinforced concrete which features an outside and inside in sight finish obtained by using ad hoc designed forms.