Strict architectural requirements one hand deriving from the respect of the size of the previous building, and, on the other, from the respect of modern requirements, imposed the minimization of structural dimensions. This goal was obtained by conceiving a composite structural system integrated in a multidisciplinary project (MEP and architecture). Further distinctive features that characterize the work are the suspended walkways on high slenderness structures that give lightness to the facade systems and the distribution ways.
The office and show room building is located in a part of an industrial now dismissed area. Because of a city planning requirement, its architectural features recall the still existing constructions and therefore north lights toot saw sheds are used for the roofing and a part of the overhead gantry crane supporting steel girders and columns are integrated in the new structure.
In the main hall, a stair and catwalks system is integrated with the facade and roof, to create a scenic space where structural elements follow a minimalistic approach and are seen as part of the Architecture. Glass catwalks are supported by structural ribs cantilevering from the facade mullions. The whole system is based on a "balloon frame" concept, where diagonal braciing elemens are banned.
Two levels of underground parking with separate access ramps have a reinforced concrete plate structure with prefabricated capitals around the columns; slurry diaphragms and micro pile structures retain the earth at the perimeter.
The elevation above the ground floor is composed of two independent buildings, interconnected by galleries and foot bridges; a steel 3D frame with concrete floors cast over a deep trapezoidal steel sheet constitute the structure, while the roof is all steel with insulated steel panels.
One of the building features an overhanging of the 3rd floor which is supported by a truss; the wide span girders of the 1st floor over the conference room in the other building support columns not aligned with the ones below.
The galleries connecting the buildings are constituted by steel frames bearing a glazed cladding.