Citylife International Competition
The architecture of the project creates a sophisticated multi-level ground floor perfectly suited for a vibrant retail occupation. The space becomes a commercial gallery hosting restaurants, shops and intricate contemporary retail options with its own garden promenade. This spaces is unique for being simultaneously outdoor and protected from the weather thanks to the overhang of the building above.
The unique bracket shape of the 3 modules composing the vertical village provides a unique layout of spaces enjoying 360° vistas of Milan skyline
The high rise building is conceptually based on a clear hierarchy of resisting systems:
- a mega-system composed of the cantilevered cores and of the suspension elements for the upper blocks;
- a secondary system composed of traditional frame structures for the blocks, either directly resting on the basement or on the suspension system.
The cores are thus constituting both the stability elements and the vertical support for the cantilevered volumes.
Taking into account the constraints and goals set out in the Concepts, a simple strut-and-tie mega system based on single diagonal elements embracing the whole cantilever volume was selected.
A composite concrete and steel lattice system is used to build the two cores that are standing from foundation (underground levels) to the last floor and features a framed, cross-braced steel structure in the outer part towards the external façade.
The upper blocks system is composed of a couple of diagonal steel ties placed on each façade plane of the cantilevered volumes and supporting a warren-type beam that acts both as strut and as bending element to support the building block.
A very simple frame based on steel columns, composite beams and a concrete topping slab cast on corrugated steel sheet is used in the three blocks of the tower.
The main beams span the full transversal dimension of the block leaving the internal space free of columns; secondary beams at 4.50 m center lines are laid between the main beams and support the corrugated steel sheet and the concrete topping with a 800 mm total depth.
The foundations are of mixed type: a thick raft is complemented by settlement reduction piles; this system has been widely used for City-life towers and has proven to be the most efficient.