48 MW Data Center - Milan
The new Data Center with 48MW of IT power is composed of two units, each one being subdivided in two data center buildings separated by structural joints and with an added construction for support use.
The numerous equipments for the data center running are located in the outside area adjacent to the buildings and are placed on surface footings or inside buried concrete boxes.
The whole compound is built over a plan located around 2.0 m above the existing ground and therefore an embankment has to be laid on all the plot.
The design is developed with an almost complete prefabrication of the above ground structures and therefore the buildings, all with a single story, feature columns built in at the base and free on top which support precast and prestressed beams and TT elements.
Precasting is used also for the facade panels and for the ashlars on site assembled of the external buried boxes; with this solution the production is developed in a plant and the building operations are reduced and the relevant speed is increased.
Footings on piles are used for the column foundation; the internal pavement, which is extended on the whole surface of the data center buildings, is composed of a reinforced concrete slab supported by piles which reduce the settlements and are not reinforced.
The piles are built with the CFA technology (drilling with a continuos screw)
Outer precast stairs and some steel frames supporting the equipments complete the constructions.